WWE, Stamford, Conn., and NBC Universal, New York, have been partners for almost 10 years, splitting advertising and marketing duties for programs such as “Raw” and “SmackDown”, which have run on NBCU’s USA network during that time, yet now the two brands have laid out a broader marketing plan.
The move comes at a time when U.S. TV networks are attempting to sell the bulk of their ad inventory for the year, and the restructured partnership is thought to strengthen both entities’ positions when negotiating.
“It really is a significant strategic shift in how we are going to market,” says Michelle Wilson, WWE’s chief marketing and revenue officer.
WWE will continue to supervise its sales on WWE.com, and NBC will run ad sales for TV, but the companies will use combined negotiations to convenience ad sellers.
“They want to talk about the brand and hear about the depth of what we have to offer,” says Dan Lovinger, executive vice president, NBCU. “In order to do that, we need a cohesive voice.”
For more information, visit nbcuniversal.com. — J.B.